Rhythm and dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid
Balancing bone and membrane structures of the head
Activation of inherent self-correcting movement
Decompression, mobilization-relief of pressure and strain
Treatment is largely initiated by working with the rhythm and flow of the cerebrospinal fluid inside the dural membranes. This activates self-correcting movement from these core membranes outward through the connective tissue (fascial) system. The ripple effect can travel anywhere in your body through the three dimensional fascial matrix. The rhythmic dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid are also used to work specifically with the bones of the head.
Like the inner workings of a wrist watch, the twenty-two bones of the cranium move intricately in relation to each other, and in coordination with cerebrospinal fluid movement.
The cranial bones are also structurally connected with the dural membranes surrounding and partitioning the brain. Therapeutic techniques often involve relaxing, mobilizing, decompressing and balancing these bony and membranous structures. This provides space for the anatomy of our brain and spinal cord to reorganize around homeostasis and improved function. Increased blood flow and nerve conductivity help maintain a healthier environment for your central nervous system to heal itself.
Bring balance to Autonomic Nervous System
Drop into a Still Point: deep, core relaxation
Move from “fight or flight” to “rest and repair”
Body’s natural self-healing capacities awaken
Because CST addresses specific anatomy in the cranium, it is a go-to treatment for headache, head trauma, jaw pain, sinus problems, balance and equilibrium issues, ear or eye conditions and more.
By working with the environment of the central nervous system, Craniosacral Therapy directly affects the autonomic nervous system, which regulates our stress response.
The autonomic nervous system has two divisions: sympathetic (stress response/fight or flight), and parasympathetic (relaxation response/soothe and settle). For most of us, the sympathetic response is overactive, and due to this imbalance our stress levels are higher than we’d like.
Craniosacral Therapy brings balance to the autonomic nervous system by quickly awakening the parasympathetic response.
During treatment, the rhythmic motion of cerebrospinal fluid may cease its movement, inviting the body into a Still Point. The Still Point creates a deep, core relaxation in the body and mind—a shift in our autonomic nervous system that moves us easily from a stressful state to a calm and balanced state. As we move into homeostasis, our body’s natural self-correcting, self-healing capabilities are awakened.